There are many things that can be taking from this past 8 weeks in EDUC 6357. When I think about working with children and their families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I can build a solid relationship with both the children and their families that will provide me with a platform to reach their child developmental needs. I hope that I can uncover any hidden bias about other cultures, races, backgrounds or religions and approach them confidently but respectful.
A goal that I would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity and social justice is to not to only teach the fundamentals and be an advocate but to make an effective long-term impact on the perspectives of children and their families, encouraging them to PAY IT FOWARD and leave an even bigger impact by applying what they are learning on the on-going issues of diversity, equity and social injustices to their daily lives and interactions with others.
I appreciate all of the feedback and additional resources provided from all of my colleagues. I have enjoyed hearing everyone views and ideas from a personal and professional level of how many of our own childhood factors have played a major role in our current lives and how our biases can have an impact on the children we teach.
Hi Violanda,
I agree with you that we have learned so much from this course and it has been very eye-opening. I look forward to carrying over what we have learned and continuing our journey of being an anti-bias educator.
Thank you for sharing. Good luck with your next course!
Hi Violanda,
I love those quotes you chose, especially the "I have learned that I still have a lot to learn" Even after 8 courses through our Masters I am still learning new things in each of our courses that I can take back to my classroom and better myself as an educator. It doesn't matter how much experience you have as a teacher, things may still be thrown at you that you never expected before or prepared for and it's important for us to always grow and learn from those experiences. I enjoyed our journaling experiences and the week we discussed trauma because there was so much that I personally never experienced myself or in our classroom that I didn't think about and how much it could affect our students.
Great reflection post, and hope to see you in our next course!
I have the same passion with unveiling the hidden truth about different cultures and backgrounds. In today society there are many stereotypes and assumptions about cultures that are foreign in America. My goal is to dig deep into the history so I can get a better understanding of it without having a bias mindset.
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