My Grandmother, Mom and I
This is a picture of my granny, my mom and I. My mother is no longer with me but she has ALWAYS been a supportive in all things concerning me. She was involved in my every decision in life. If for some reason she could not be present she made sure that I knew someone was there to cheer me on or hold my hand. My granny is still around and is a feisty and loving as ever. She lives in Mississippi. My granny and I talk every day sometimes multiple times a day. Our conversations can be a bit routine as of late however, she is going be sure to ask if I am okay and if there is anything I need before we hang up. Before I even made the choice to go back to school she has always told me how proud she is of me and given me so much insight on random things. My grandmother is the most nurturing person l have in my corner.
My Dad and I
My dad is the most laid back man I have had the pleasure of knowing. I tell him all the time that he is my person I come to when I know that I need a little more convincing on how to handle things that get me a little heated. My dad lives in Maryland, I may get to see him twice maybe three times a year. We talk on the weekends for hours on end as if we haven't spoken in months. I always learn something new from my dad. He tells me and shows me how much he loves and cares for me with both his actions and words. If my daughters and I have something major going on he never hesitates to fly in to support us. He amazes me with how well he can tell from my responses on whether I have something on my mind. He says that I have been like that for as long as he can remember. I have been told often that I am full of joy however you can tell when my plate is full because the smile in my
voice is not there.
My Big Little Brother
My brother Kelvin and I are the best of friends. He currently lives in Washington DC getting ready to begin an important chapter in his life as he begins his residency. Kelvin and I do not have the same mother but every summer and most holidays are when we got to see each other. Our mothers made sure that we talked to each other or saw each other if there were times that we wanted to see each other besides our normal meetings. Kelvin was and is an important part of my life because he was one of the first people I was responsible for. I could not make a move when he was visiting. I was told that I had to share but I never had to put that into effect until he came around, I guess I may have been a little on the spoiled side. I found that Kelvin was a quick learner when it came time to show him how to do things. As we got older if Kelvin need to make a choice about something I found it surprising that his decision generally came after he would call and have a conversation with me his big sister. That still happens even now, the only difference it is a two way street. I value my time and every conversation my brother and I have.
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