Saturday, February 29, 2020

Final Blog

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In the research and discussions pertaining to consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for my professional and personal development I have gained a clearer perspective of the struggles, accomplishments and mindsets that others have in which are very similar to those here in the U.S. I have learned that we have the same struggle as children, families and educators do in other countries however, that approach to the various challenges and the methods used to resolve our circumstances is what defines the results. What has stood out to me the most is how communities rally together in other countries to have a more positive well balance overall early learning development for children and families than that of those that are right here. The culmination of what I have gathered is that there are never enough advocates to strive to make educating and providing helpful resources to children and their families. Everyone has their own way of approaching the incessant struggles for both educators and families in early childhood development but, if we could get everyone in the mindset of not just making conversation and taking more action from our leaders that fund our children future we could contribute to building a wealth of powerful positive individuals and change the ramifications of poverty.

One goal I feel that I can establish and maintain is to continue learning more statistics about issues and trends in other countries and how they approach their obstacles and look for ways that I can personally incorporate their process to help children and families here. Sharing and building through conversations with peers will help reach this goal. I can also see how I can become a better active advocate to help children here as well as globally through research and attending forums that will help me establish the best path I should embark to be most effective.

Education Is Not The Learning Of Facts Quote: Albert einstein quotes education, Quotes for students, Fact quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Patrecia Ellis said...

Hello Violanda, great blog post and I've enjoyed reading all your blog posts over the eight weeks. I totally agree with you on everything you have stated throughout your blog post. I think we have always thought the US was more in poverty than other place but after doing our research we learn that they are going through poverty just as we are. I think you have a good goal to accomplish because it is a teacher's job to advocate for children and their education.

Jamie Havard said...

Hi Violanda, Great post! I agree with you that there are not a enough advocates in the field for early childhood. It is important to encourage who has passion for this field to use their voice to make changes!

Personal Childhood Web

I have such a long list of people who have made a great impact on my life as a child. My mother is 1 of 10 children and my father is 1 of 12. However, the five people I must name are my mom, my father, my granny, my little brother Kelvin and my English teacher Mrs. Wells. For my mothers' family I am the oldest grandchild. That is a interesting role to have. Everyone looks to you for your first everything. Everyone wants to show you so much and it has all been useful at some point in my life. My aunts and uncles on both sides taught me a great deal. If I were to sum it up I would say that it equated to love and happiness. I was given so much love and support and as I got older I got better with being able to demonstrate the same love and support. My happiness was genuinely their happiness. From cooking to fishing to picking cotton I got to experience the things I encountered in my life by my choice.
My granny was and is my nurse, my ear, my box of all things good.
My brother was my first responsibility and confidant. I value the bond that was created between he and I.
I can say that every teacher that I had growing up had a positive impact on my life as well. My English teacher Mrs. Wells more so as she had been around to teach a few of my aunts and uncles. From the moment she discovered who my family was it became an automatic expectation of hers that I set an example with the others around me in how to speak and carry oneself. This is still something I feel I carry with me today.