Saturday, February 8, 2020

Equity and Excellence

Almost immediately when I visited Harvard University’s “Global Children’s Initiative” website I was intrigued by one of the links that read Across countries (Saving Brains). I found that it is "a  partnership led by Grand Challenges Canada, Saving Brains seeks to improve outcomes for children living in poverty through interventions that nurture and protect early brain development in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life ( Developing Child, 2020). I trust that much like taking the time to get to know your individual students applying research of known key factors as to what variables play a factor in their development is efficacious to their overall growth. The Saving Brains portfolio of activities is designed to develop and broaden the reach of products, services, and policies that protect and nurture early brain development (Developing Child, 2020). They have projects that seek to protect early brain development all over the world. Currently, projects are being implemented in low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America (Developing Child, 2020).
There is also work done in Brazil that has a partnership that ushers training in policy.  The collaborative Núcleo Ciência Pela Infância (NCPI) partnership has been highly successful in creating a science-driven early childhood movement in Brazil, most notably through training Brazilian policy makers on how to apply developmental science to inform programs and policies and, recently, through launching the iLab Primeira Infância, one of the Latin American Innovation Clusters (Developing Child, 2020). Equipping all professionals on the various levels of early child development is needed as policy will consistently change as the economy does and it is imperative that everyone remains current on the policies that both benefit and effect early child development. "Children with healthy intergral development during the first years of life have a greater ability to adapt to different environments and to acquire new knowledge, helping them to achieve good academic performance as well as personal , vocational, and economic fulfillment and become responsible citizens" (NCPI, 2020).

Additionally, I learned about a Canada's "Albert Family Wellness Initiative". That is a movement that was looking to gather a resolution to its prime economic struggles. In 2007, Alberta was facing a health crisis—increasing rates of substance abuse and addiction and mental health issues among its residents—combined with a lack of adequate comprehensive, integrated programs to address these issues" (Developing Child, 2020). Through research a strategy evolved referred to as "knowledge mobilization". Much of AFWI’s work has focused on providing the infrastructure and facilitation to bring together practitioners and policymakers from across Alberta with scientists from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child and other experts to enable them to collaborate and develop science-based, innovative solutions for the fields of health, justice, education, and human services (Developing Child, 2020). In the same way that educators, students and parents partner up to meet the total need of the child within a classroom it makes sense to have those in a higher authority to devote their resources to early child development. Through knowledge mobilization, AFWI has trained an “army” of change agents who continue to share the message of the importance of early childhood development with their communities and who are transforming the ways in which they and their colleagues work (Developing Child, 2020).



Early Childhood. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Partnerships with Global Early Childhood Organizations. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Jamie Havard said...

Great post! I also learned about Brazil's movement to incorporate science into early childhood. I thought that was a great idea to allow children to learn more about cause and effect. I was glad to see that they are enriching the early childhood curriculum in Brazil!

Patrecia Ellis said...

Hello Violanda, great blog post! You are always going over every detail and giving supportive feed back. While reading your blog, I've found information that I didn't review or might have overlooked some. I love the fact that Canada has different ways set to help families living in poverty. This just shows that it doesn't matter where families who are living in poverty stay, there are always some type of support set out to help them.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I love reading your blog because you put so much passion and insight into your research. I like that you spoke on equity and inequity in the early childhood field. I like that you spoke on how Canada works with families that live in poverty. Do you think there might be a possibility of using something like this in the United States more often?

Tammy Young said...

Equity in early childhood education is largely interpreted as access to high-quality early education that promotes similar outcomes across economic groups to level the playing field of education for young children across America. The overwhelming benefits of high-quality early childhood programs for young children cannot be overstated. For years, early childhood educators have recommended universal access as a key equitable practice, arguing that all children deserve access to early learning opportunities that will increase their chances for success in school and life.

Sharita W said...


I also was intrigued by partnership with Grand Challenges Canada. I think understanding the brain helps with understanding development. Saving Brains seeks to improve outcomes for children living in poverty through interventions. I see how trauma effects the brain and the lives of young children so I think this is a great initiative.

Personal Childhood Web

I have such a long list of people who have made a great impact on my life as a child. My mother is 1 of 10 children and my father is 1 of 12. However, the five people I must name are my mom, my father, my granny, my little brother Kelvin and my English teacher Mrs. Wells. For my mothers' family I am the oldest grandchild. That is a interesting role to have. Everyone looks to you for your first everything. Everyone wants to show you so much and it has all been useful at some point in my life. My aunts and uncles on both sides taught me a great deal. If I were to sum it up I would say that it equated to love and happiness. I was given so much love and support and as I got older I got better with being able to demonstrate the same love and support. My happiness was genuinely their happiness. From cooking to fishing to picking cotton I got to experience the things I encountered in my life by my choice.
My granny was and is my nurse, my ear, my box of all things good.
My brother was my first responsibility and confidant. I value the bond that was created between he and I.
I can say that every teacher that I had growing up had a positive impact on my life as well. My English teacher Mrs. Wells more so as she had been around to teach a few of my aunts and uncles. From the moment she discovered who my family was it became an automatic expectation of hers that I set an example with the others around me in how to speak and carry oneself. This is still something I feel I carry with me today.