The Journey
I am proud to take my education to another level which is the same feeling I get when I am able to share a token of what I know with a child.There is nothing better than the look in a child's eye or the smile on their face when they have grasp what is being taught to them. Experiencing that kind of excitement just does not get old to me. It has taken me some time to get to this point in my lovely life journey. I must say that my emotions have been all over the place however, there is nothing I would change about it.
Hello Violanda,
Your blog was very easy to comment on. I am currently working on trying to figure out how to leave comments. Simple sites in not so simple.
Hi there, I am pleased to hear that you found it to be an easy task to apply a comment. I hope I can add some great things on here as easy as it was to create the initial page. Ecstatic about the interesting blogs to come.
Hi Violanda,
I want to thank you again for your help. I am new to blogs and this is my first time exploring the word of blogging. I will say after exploring the account I feel about 10% better, however I know with practice I will get the hang of it. The RSS is the next obstacle that I face. In regards to your original post as a professional educator I take pride in the career path that I have selected. Working with children and families is something I was met to do. Nothing makes me happier than forming relationships with families and I value that relationship not only with my families but with my staff as well. Together we all form the essential team of success for children.
Hi Kimberly,
It was no problem, I do like to help if I can. I have not done a blog before either and I am still a little on edge about the process. We will get it and teach the next person to come along how to approach it with ease.I do love to hear that you feel so strongly about the connections you have with the families. I believe that if more teachers found their way back to that important aspect that our success level with our children and families will be greater.
I have never read the book," Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids" By Carol McCloud. I enjoy books that provide life lessons for all because not only are you teaching children, but adults are gaining something from it as well. We never to old to learn.
I love your blog page set up! I am still trying to figure it out. On another note the book, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today.? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids" sounds like a great book and resource for children and adults.
Hi Violanda, I really enjoyed reading about your childhood web. I also had many people who made a positive impact throughout my childhood. My grandmother was everything I needed as well. She was my medicine when I sick, my lap to lie on when I needed someone to listen, and my tissue when I wanted to cry. We both had similar upbringings as my grandmother played the role of my mother while she worked. My grandmother made the transition to heaven when I became a young adult and I miss her so. I am glad that you value your relationship with your grandmother. I wish I could make the daily calls to mines.
Hello Violanda,
Sorry about the lost of your mother. My mother is my world, so I can understand the love you have for yours. It is great that you have a lot of family that shows you love and support. A strong family bond can get you through a lot. You brother is definitely your "big little brother". I praise your mothers, because it is great that your mothers kept you two in close contact, in the world we live in today, so many children lose out on that bond. I enjoyed reading your blog!!!!
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