Saturday, July 27, 2019

"Cultivate the habit of speaking to children as people—people with minds—usually lively ones. Appeal to their good sense. It is not necessary to be sweet, silly, or sentimental at one extreme, or somber, grim, or harsh at the other. Let us be genuine, direct, honest, serious, and warm with them, and about them—and sometimes humorous too. "
Lilian Katz

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Personal Childhood Web

I have such a long list of people who have made a great impact on my life as a child. My mother is 1 of 10 children and my father is 1 of 12. However, the five people I must name are my mom, my father, my granny, my little brother Kelvin and my English teacher Mrs. Wells. For my mothers' family I am the oldest grandchild. That is a interesting role to have. Everyone looks to you for your first everything. Everyone wants to show you so much and it has all been useful at some point in my life. My aunts and uncles on both sides taught me a great deal. If I were to sum it up I would say that it equated to love and happiness. I was given so much love and support and as I got older I got better with being able to demonstrate the same love and support. My happiness was genuinely their happiness. From cooking to fishing to picking cotton I got to experience the things I encountered in my life by my choice.
My granny was and is my nurse, my ear, my box of all things good.
My brother was my first responsibility and confidant. I value the bond that was created between he and I.
I can say that every teacher that I had growing up had a positive impact on my life as well. My English teacher Mrs. Wells more so as she had been around to teach a few of my aunts and uncles. From the moment she discovered who my family was it became an automatic expectation of hers that I set an example with the others around me in how to speak and carry oneself. This is still something I feel I carry with me today.