Why is your simulation important to the field of early childhood?
The simulation I selected is important to the field of early childhood for many reasons. There are varied factors that play a role in early child development. Providing activities and opportunities for parents, students and educators to build stronger relationships will help guide their early learners developmental skills. I also strongly believe that having parents involve gives the parents and the educator insights sooner than later if the child needs to focus more on a specific skill. For instance like this short entry from an article I read from NAEYC.
"During my first year working in a preschool setting, I was dismayed
to see how many parents left their parent-teacher conferences upset or
even crying. In my own conference with parents, one mother of a
delightful, very verbal child was understandably disappointed when I
explained that her daughter’s academic and social-emotional skills were
not as far along as her verbal skills. She had assumed that because of
her daughter’s verbal abilities, she was on track or ahead in other
prekindergarten skills. The mother was unsure of what was expected at
this age and had missed some opportunities at home to help her daughter
develop academically. And I had missed opportunities to help her acquire
the tools to do so.
As I moved through my career, I found that many parents were
perplexed as they navigated the educational system with their young
children. Many had little understanding of child development or
developmentally appropriate practices. They wanted to help their child,
but they didn't know how. They often arrived at their first
parent-teacher conference to find themselves bombarded with unfamiliar
educational concepts and terms like phonological awareness and numeracy"(Kirkwood,2016).https://www.naeyc.org/resources/blog/understanding-power-parent-involvement
If you were to conduct your simulation proposal, who would benefit?
I think the full article is worth the read. It describes the teachers perspective of what she could have done differently to help both her student and the parent. I believe the simulation in which I selected will provide an understanding from some and reassurance for others. Providing a study on parent involvement activities can benefit a child early development as well as the parent and educator. There is a learning opportunity for both the participants and the researcher.
What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?
My perception of an early childhood professional has been impacted due to this course in a positive manner.Early childhood professionals play an important role in the research of learning approaches within early childhood development. In learning the process in addition to methods of research I realize that as an educator there are varied proven ways to help reach and teach a child. I also feel that there are a number of studies that provide useful approaches to professionals in their endeavors to connect with parents in helping them better educate and build on their child developmental skills.
Kirkwood, D. (2016, April 11). Understanding the Power of Parent Involvement. Retrieved from https://www.naeyc.org/resources/blog/understanding-power-parent-involvement